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Ice rolling and your face.....

Updated: Nov 28, 2022

As a result of the pandemic we've all been looking for at-home ways to practice self-care since we have not been able to see our beauty professionals as often as we would like. There are a variety of beauty hacks out there, but only a few really stand the test of time. Icing your skin is one of them. Used in spa treatments and traditional Chinese medicinal practices, cold therapy can help to de-puff your face, "shrink the look of large pores" and tighten and brighten the skin.

Think about cryotherapy, it uses sub-zero temperatures to give a cold shock to the skin, which sends fresh blood to the targeted areas. More blood flow means more oxygen & a richer nutrient delivery which helps to flush away toxins & reduce water retention.

When the ice roller comes into contact with your face, the coldness is touted to boost microcirculation, helping encourage cell growth & collagen production while flushing out toxins.

Ice rolling merges the de-puffing effects of facial massage with the radiance -boosting benefits of cold therapy and the best thing is it can be done from your couch since we're all at home more because of the pandemic.

While ice rollers are designed to be kept in the fridge\freezer, make sure you wait a few minutes before you use it - to avoid cold burn.

Use your roller in a zig-zag motion and start at the top of your face and work down. Start up and down the forehead & along each side of your nose. Roll in upwards motions across your cheeks and under your chin, finishing with the your neck.

Ice rolling should be done at the end of your skincare routine and remember to always cleanse your roller with soap and water before you place it back in the fridge or freezer.

Happy Sunday loves :)

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